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ISD Code
Algeria (+213)
Angola (+244)
Antigua and Barbuda (+267)
Argentina (+54)
Armenia (+374)
Aruba (+297)
Australia (+61)
Austria (+43)
Azerbaijan (+994)
Bahrain (+973)
Bangladesh (+880)
Belarus (+375)
Belgium (+32)
Belize (+501)
Benin (+229)
Bermuda (+1441)
Bhutan (+975)
Botswana (+267)
Brazil (+55)
Bulgaria (+359)
Burkina Faso (+226)
Burundi (+257)
Cambodia (+855)
Canada (+1)
Chile (+56)
China (+86)
Colombia (+57)
Costa Rica (+506)
Croatia (+385)
Cyprus (+357)
Czech Republic (+420)
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) (+243)
Denmark (+45)
Djibouti (+253)
Dominican Republic (+1809)
Egypt (+20)
Estonia (+372)
Ethiopia (+251)
Finland (+358)
France (+33)
Gabon (+241)
Georgia (+995)
Germany (+49)
Ghana (+233)
Greece (+30)
Guatemala (+502)
Guinea (+224)
Guyana (+592)
Hong Kong (S.A.R.) (+852)
Hungary (+36)
Iceland (+354)
India (+91)
Indonesia (+62)
Ireland (+353)
Israel (+972)
Italy (+39)
Ivory Coast (+225)
Japan (+81)
Jordan (+962)
Kazakhstan (+7)
Kenya (+254)
Kyrgyzstan (+996)
Laos (+856)
Latvia (+371)
Lebanon (+961)
Libya (+218)
Liechtenstein (+423)
Lithuania (+370)
Luxembourg (+352)
Madagascar (+261)
Malawi (+265)
Malaysia (+60)
Maldives (+960)
Mali (+223)
Malta (+356)
Mexico (+52)
Moldova (+373)
Mongolia (+976)
Montenegro (+382)
Morocco (+212)
Myanmar (+95)
Namibia (+264)
Nepal (+977)
Netherlands (+31)
New Zealand (+64)
Nigeria (+234)
North Macedonia (FYROM) (+389)
Norway (+47)
Oman (+968)
Pakistan (+92)
Panama (+507)
Papua New Guinea (+675)
Paraguay (+595)
Peru (+51)
Philippines (+63)
Poland (+48)
Portugal (+351)
Qatar (+974)
Romania (+40)
Rwanda (+250)
Saint Helena (+290)
Saudi Arabia (+966)
Singapore (+65)
Slovakia (+421)
Slovenia (+386)
South Africa (+27)
South Korea (+82)
South Sudan (+211)
Spain (+34)
Sri Lanka (+94)
Sudan (+249)
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Switzerland (+41)
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Tajikistan (+992)
Tanzania (+255)
Thailand (+66)
Togo (+228)
Tunisia (+216)
Turkey (+90)
Uganda (+256)
Ukraine (+380)
United Arab Emirates (UAE) (+971)
United Kingdom (UK) (+44)
United States of America (USA) (+1)
Uruguay (+598)
Uzbekistan (+998)
Vietnam (+84)
Yemen (+967)
Zambia (+260)